After over a decade, the field adjacent to the repeater shack was in need of a trim.
So, James and Jeff contributed a bush hog and trailer to the cause.
Here are a few photos taken 21 Mar 2004 of the "Bush Hog Party" at the repeater site.
Our "Fearless Leader", Ralph, K4TQU carefully surveys the field. -N2YYP.009
Max, KC4GZX picking up junk. -N2YYP.017
James, KG4CWA, Dennis, KU4XZ, Robert, KE4GVX and Ralph, K4TQU, in background. -KC4GZX.018
Jeff, N2YYP expertly wrangles the bush hog behind the repeater shack. -N2YYP.035
James, KG4CWA and Robert, KE4GVX dodge the flying debris. -N2YYP.053
Look out! Here he comes again! Jeff, N2YYP, makes quick work of the brush. -KC4GZX.017
We were all thirsty after watching Jeff do all the hard work.
Jeff, N2YYP, Ralph, K4TQU, Dennis, KU4XZ. -KC4GZX.016
James, KG4CWA. -KC4GZX.015
The ladies returned with a proper tailgate repast of fried chicken and potato logs with donuts for desert.
Nola, KG4OVO. -KC4GZX.014
Max, KC4GZX, pigs out on fried chicken. Ralph, K4TQU, Jeff, N2YYP, Dennis, KU4XZ and Nola, KG4OVO. -KC4GZX.012
Max, KC4GZX, Ralph, K4TQU, Jeff, N2YYP, Christine, KI4FTP, Dennis KU4XZ, and Nola, KG4OVO. -KC4GZX.011
Wisely, Robert gets the napkins before picking up the chicken.
Dennis KU4XZ, and Nola, KG4OVO and Robert, KE4GVX. -KC4GZX.010
Max, KC4GZX, Ralph, K4TQU, Jeff, N2YYP, Christine, KI4FTP. -KC4GZX.017
Some of the Ol'Geezers "chow down". (L-R) Glenn, KI4ARZ; Max, KC4GZX; Ralph, K4TQU; Dennis, KU4XZ; Jeff, N2YYP; Robert, KE4GVX; Christine, KI4FTP; Nola, KG4OVO and James, KG4CWA taking the picture.
TNX to Ricky, KN4LA and all who attended in body and spirit. -N2YYP.058
See, James was taking the picture! Thanks, to our Chief Photographer, Glenn, KI4ARZ. -KC4GZX.008
- Photos Provided by Jeff, N2YYP -
- Photos Provided by Max, KC4GZX -